

Date de mise à jour : 27 septembre 2017

- Bommel P., Bonnet M.P., Coudel E., Haentjens E., Nunes Kraus C., Laques A.E., Melo G., Nasuti S. & I.N. Souza. 2015. From scientific models to Companion Modelling: engaging a dialogue with local actors in an Amazonian floodplain about biodiversity management at a territorial level. In: 7th International Congress for Conservation Biology , 4th European Congress for Conservation Biology, 2-6 august 2015, Montpellier.

- Bourgoin C., Baghdadi N., Blanc L., Ferreira J., Gond V., Mazzei L., Oswald Y. & M.C. Thales. 2015. How to identify forest types in a tropical Amazonian human-modified landscape from remote-sensing?  In: 7th International Congress for Conservation Biology , 4th European Congress for Conservation Biology, 2-6 august 2015, Montpellier.

- Cialdella N., Carvalho S., Ferreira L., Navegantes-Alves L., Poccard Chapuis R., Tourrand J.F. 2014. Livestock systems' trajectories over the long term: which adaptations for which resilience? The case of family farms in the Amazon. In: “Resilience and development: mobilising for transformation ». 4-8 abril 2015, Montpellier (France).

- Coudel E., Gardner T., Ferreira J., Piketty M.G., Viana C., Morello T.F., Parry L. & J. Barlow. 2014. Environmental compliance in the Brazilian Amazon: awareness, motivations, capacity and opportunities. In: “Resilience and development: mobilising for transformation ». 4-8 abril 2015, Montpellier (France).

- Coudel E., Piketty M.-G., Poccard-Chapuis R., Viana C., Ferreira J. & T. Gardner. 2015.  Motivações dos agricultores rumo a uma transição no Município Verde em Paragominas, Pará. Reflexão à partir da "theory of compliance". In: 7° encontro da ANPPAS, 17-20 de maio de 2015, Brasilia (Brasil).

- Ferreira J., Venturieri, A., Poccard-Chapuis R., Laurent F., Plassin S., Thalês M., Moura F., Pimentel G., Messner, F. & M.G. Piketty. 2015. Towards Socioenvironmental Monitoring at Territorial Scales in the Brazilian Amazon. In: Third Global Science Conference on Climate Smart Agriculture, Global Science conference, March 16-18, 2015, Montpellier France.

- Ferreira J., Coudel E. et al. 2015. Challenges and opportunities facing sustainable land-use in frontier regions of the Amazon. In: 7th International Congress for Conservation Biology , 4th European Congress for Conservation Biology, 2-6 august 2015, Montpellier.

- Ferreira J., Poccard-Chapuis R., Laurent F., Plassin S., Thales M., Moura F., Pimentel G. & M.G. Piketty. 2015. A platform for landscape ecoeficiency monitoring and jurisdictional certification in the Amazon Region. In: Global Science conference In: Building tomorrow’s research agenda and bridging the science-policy gap. Montpellier : CIRAD, p. 75-75. Third Global Science Conference on Climate Smart Agriculture, 16-18 March 2015, Monptellier (France).

- Gardner T., Garrett R., Barlow J., Ferreira J., Parry L., Lees A.C., Aragao L.E.O.C., Barbosa De Oliveira J.J.M., Berenguer E., Campos de Oliveira V., Cerri C.E.P., Coudel E., Durigan M., Ezzine de Blas D., Feres J., Ferraz S., Goncalves C., Morello T.F., Gomes de Brito J., Gontijo Leal C., Goncalves K., Hamada N., Hughes R., Leandro J., Kaufman P., Leitao R., Louzada J., Marchand S., MacNally R.C., Moura N., Nessimian J., Nunes S., Oliveira V., Pardini R., Paulo P., Rossetti F., Saveiro N., Siqueira J., Solar R., Souza J.C., Strassburg B., Thomson J., Torres P., Viana C., Vieira I., Weinhold D., Zuanon J. 2014. Trade-offs in the social-ecological values associated with different land-uses in the eastern Amazon. In: “Resilience and development: mobilising for transformation ». 4-8 abril 2015, Montpellier (France).

- Gomes M.R., Padilha F.D.D.A., Gomes M.O., Resque A.G.L. & N. Cialdella. 2015. Emergência do plantio de açaí: rumo inverso a agroecología? O caso de Paragominas: emergency of açaí planting: towards reverting path from agroecology ? The case of Paragominas. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Agroecologia, 28 sept-1st oct 2015, Belém (Brésil).

- Gond V., Bourgoin C., Blanc L., Baghdadi N., Oszwald J. & P. Sist. 2015. Assessment of forest degradation in the Amazon using multi-sensors techniques: the case of Paragominas (Brazil). In : Our Common Future under Climate Change. International scientific conference, 7-10 July 2015. Paris, France.

- Melo G., Coudel E. & Bommel P. 2015. What futures for the Amazonian floodplains? A participatory prospective approach of a biodiversity hotspot under economic and climate change. In: “ Resilience and development: mobilising for transformation ». 4-8 abril 2015, Montpellier (France).

- Piketty M.G., Drigo I., Djama M., Falcao & M.P. Nhamirre. 2015. How does the local context shape CSR in mining ? the case of Vale. In:3rd international Conference on social responsibility in Mining, November 2015, Antofogasta, Chile.

- Piraux M. & M. Caniello. 2015. As capacidades institutionnais municipais e territoriais. In:4ème symposiom des cellules d’accompagnement des territoires de la Citoyenneté au Brésil. Brasilia, 4-5 novembre 2015.

- Piraux M. & M. Caniello. 2015. Le programme des Territoires de la Citoyenneté au Brésil. Quels enseignements pour penser l’évaluation du développement territorial? In: 52ème colloque de l'Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française, « Territoires méditerranéens : agriculture, alimentation et villes », 7-9 juillet 2015 Montpellier France.

- Piraux M. 2015. Para un bricolaje participativo e institucionalizado de los indicadores. El caso de las células de acompañamiento para evaluar la gobernanza territorial de los Territorios de la Ciudadanía en Brasil. In: ”Políticas y acción pública: de las teorías a los métodos”  20-24 abril 2015, Faculdad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la UNAM, México, D.F.

- Plassin S. Poccard-Chapuis R. & J.F. Tourrand. 2015. Linking landscape patterns and farm trajectories: a prerequisite to design eco-efficient landscapes in agricultural frontiers of Brazilian Eastern Amazon. In:5th International Symposium for Farming Systems Design, 7-10 sept. 2015, Montpellier.

- Poccard-Chapuis R., Mallet B., Bouillet J.P. & Y. Nouvellon. 2015. Construção de paisagens eco-eficientes. Quais contribuições possíveis das biotechnologias florestais ? Foz de Iguaçu : EMBRAPA.

- Polge E.  2015. Contributions à l’évaluation des dispositifs de gouvernance territoriale en Amazonie Brésilienne : une analyse des dynamiques d’interactions. In: 52ème colloque de l'Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française « Territoires méditerranéens : agriculture, alimentation et villes », 7-9 juillet 2015 Montpellier France.

- Polge E. & A. Torre. 2015. Gouvernances territoriales et proximités : le cas de deux territoires d’action publique en Amazonie orientale. In:8ème journées internationales de la proximité : « Construire les proximités dans un monde global : Enjeux territoriaux, organisationnels et sociétaux », 20-22 mai 2015, Tours, France.

- Polge E. & A. Torre. 2015. Old networks and new common values: the case of two territorial governance systems in the eastern Amazonia. In: 52ème colloque de l'European Regional Science Association : « World renaissance, changing roles for people and places », 25-28 juillet 2015, Lisbonne, Portugal.

- Polge E. & A. Torre. 2015. Territorial governances and proximity dynamics. The case of Brazilian Amazon. In:62ème colloque de la North American Regional Science Council, 11-14 Novembre 2015, Portland, USA.

- Tourrand, J.F., Dobremez, L., Duteurtre, G., Piketty, M.G., Lescoat, P., Hubert, B. & B. Dedieu. 2015. Better Understanding Livestock - Local Development Interactions through the Analysis of Farming Systems, Supply Chains and Policies. In: “International Conference on World Food Policy : the future faces of food and farming; Regional Challenges”. 17-18 december 2015, Bangkok, Thailand.

- Tourrand, J.F., Dobremez, L., Dedieu, B., Duteurtre, G., Piketty, M.G., Lescoat, P. & B. Hubert. 2015. Livestock and Local Development: Going to a New Human-Animal Relationship. In: XXIII° International Grassland Congress – IGC 2015, November, 20-23, New Delhi, India.

- Viana C., Coudel E., Barlow J., Ferreira J., Gardner T., Parry L. 2015. Adaptive governance in the Brazilian Amazon: a case study of the Green Municipality of Paragominas. In: “ Resilience and development: mobilising for transformation ». 4-8 abril 2015, Montpellier (France).

- Weihs M., Sayago D. & JF. Tourrand. 2014. When life goes back to normal: health and adaptation in the Brazilian Amazon frontier. 2014. In: “ Resilience and development: mobilising for transformation ». 4-8 abril 2015, Montpellier (France).

Date de mise à jour : 27 septembre 2017